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Why should I visit your website, I see your profile on RM?First and foremost, if you've made it this far: I congratulate you and thanks for taking the time to view. Even though I do advertise on both RM sites and they are excellent and innovative sites that have improved the market. However, the amount of info that is allowed to be displayed on both platforms is relatively limited. It's easy to post or view a rate, a few pictures, and notice the model/professional is in your city. However, that's where it ends. Due to the legal considerations large websites have to operate under, along with perhaps bandwidth and a host of other limiting factors, we can only display so much to a potential visitor. I know some have an idea of seeing a model's ad, calling them up, and expecting or even being used to just instant satisfaction. However, I did that for years, and it's not nearly as easy as it seems. Clients and model's likely waste so much time going over these details, that aren't provided on the websites. Only to be disappointed when it turns out the provider isn't available, or has a different rate structure the client isn't used to. Or the client hasn't read or remembered the ad because he browsed thru many profiles, so can't remember important details. The time it takes to walk clients thru the basic details of arranging a session, can all be summarized through my informative and easy to use website. And with so much to offer, I can assure you won't forget about me 😉
What city are you in? I thought you were here, but now it shows you went to (insert city).For an understandable reason, professional hookup and massage sites have become quite hard to interpret these days. Some of us advertising often prefer travel to reach other markets by popular demand, and keep our schedules going. Keep in mind: a city change is as easy as clicking a button. I occasionally move my ad in between markets to give others a chance to notice me. Some clients misinterpret because they see our ad in a list of travel cities, or I may be posting ahead of time so clients have a chance to view my ad. If I were to hypothetically just place my ad in a city as soon as I arrived, and I'm only anticipating to stay for 2-4 days: That may not give enough clients the opportunity to take notice of my ad, nor would it give either of us much chance to match up schedules. However, if I were to be say: a flight attendant, I probably wouldn't mind posting in this manner. And I know some clients may be used to other providers doing the same. Everyone is different, some may prefer to only schedule clients while they're in town, but I personally prefer to schedule both during and beforehand. However, as things in the industry change and same-day/short-notice bookings become more common (as they have in the last 2 years) I may only reply to booking requests the day of arriving in an area. So please don't feel slighted if I don't respond back right away. I may need more time to schedule, and will return your message when I know my availability. Best thing: just ask. You're simply not going to get all the answers you need just by looking at pictures, a city listed and a phone number. The adult industry in 2023 is quickly evolving away from the earlier days of a back-page magazine ad in a local gay bar, where the standard was one city advertising.
Why I'm Mainly Doing Out calls and Requiring New Minimum Session Length For In-Calls? Here's a reference YouTube video from a podcast, that further explains: I am now updating my prices for In-Calls to require that a minimum 75 Minute length session, which will add $100 to my listed sessions. Why is this the case? Well for one, hosting in a hotel isn't what it seems like. Over the course of traveling to several states/cities over the last 2 years, the speculation that I could book 3-4 clients a day and make X amount of profit is becoming a fantasy more than reality. Instead, what often is the case is I reach into my own account and spend $100 to $150 or more for a room to host. Since I mainly book by appointment only, it's becoming less common to expect having more than 1 or 2 clients with the same availability on the days I can host. I end up having a session minus the amount of the hotel and whatever deposit they charge. Even if the charge is just a temporary hold, that's $50-$100 on top of what I paid, tied up for a couple days. And add that to hosting more than once a week: it adds up. Even "free nights" with loyalty chains aren't really free as much. And when they are, it often takes going outside of the main areas of town (where many clients may reside). So that also means, I have to spend more money to be convenient to where guys are willing to do an in-call to. For this reason, all in-calls will be done at a premium. Even if I have other appointments booked, I have to factor in the time and extra expense to host in a hotel. I do not have a private apartment in-call to host clients at this time. Considering my home base area has not been producing the number of bookings needed to run a full time in-call, I have resorted to mostly out-calls and touring to other cities to keep a full schedule. That said, if my rate is higher than what you're looking to pay: I am happy to recommend sites where reasonable hotels are available, and can even book you a day use accommodation that you can pay for to host the appointment. However, any hosting I do will require a $300 minimum session booked, and $100 minimum deposit to confirm.
What's the difference between your site and other content making platforms?I have respect and admire those out there who are doing content both privately and commercially. It takes drive and dedication to be on your best, and make awesome content to keep the fans engaged. I'm not necessarily shooting for volume, but rather a select few. I want to give my clients a souvenir or a preview of what a time with me can be experienced. So for that matter, I share a smaller audience. However the effort involved is the same. For those reasons, I feel that a price which is fair and sufficient is the ideal way for me to offer this next level of pleasure, remotely.
Deposit 101: From The ProsI'll update this subject further, but in the meantime I wanted to give a brief word regarding deposits that I often hear. Concerns such as, "I've been burned before" or "I only do cash" comes up quite often. In these situations, I understand the need to avoid being taken, along with the need to be discreet when it comes to spending. For now I'll just say: I ask for a deposit because I very often spend my own money upfront, before I even receive my gratuity. That's just part of the industry. At the same time, I like to be sensible and fair when it comes down to it. If I have to spend $150 on a hotel, or $75 for commute to reach clients in a destination to a city 3-4 hours away (prices may vary, and that could be an inflated number): I believe it's only fair that a client be willing to give something, even if nominal to my full rate: to show that he's also invested in the visit. So, I have compiled a list of resource sites that further explains from other professionals; the best way approaching deposits: By now, I hope to have informed potential clients on the merits of professionals asking for deposits. Now for whatever reason you absolutely are not able to do so: no worries. I still offer cash-base deposits: However, be prepared to exchange this in hand in a discreet location at least 15-30 minutes prior, (that's a generous amount of time, 2 hour's notice is always appreciated) for your appointment if it's a same day visit. For mailing deposits, you may contact me directly to arrange something.
What if you don't show up, after I paid the deposit? I've had that beforeI understand not everyone delivers. That said, I can't take the burden for what another professional may not have lived up to. You shouldn't pay THAT person another deposit unless they make due on their agreement. However, we as advertising can't be viewed all the same, despite all being on the same "site". I always strive to show up for all those who confirm. If, in the rare event of missight: Maybe I planned to be in your city but we missed connections after you sent deposit, or you had an unavoidable circumstance that required us to change plans. In that case, I'm willing to move the deposit to a future visit provided there wasn't money already spent on hosting accommodations or travel. However, I try to be fair. If I decide to change my mind on attending a session within moments of receiving your deposit, I am willing to return it to you. But that is only if minimal time and effort has been invested, and I agree to simply be unable to take the session.
Can I Not Pay A Deposit? I Don't Want To Give Out My Credit Card Details.For the record: I do not see, have access, or plan to utilize your card or information in any form. I do not have the technology to do so (e.g. I don't carry card readers, just for personal preference and convenience). So please do not show up to pay with credit card because I don't accept them. I can only accept deposits, upgrades, or full payment on my site, which takes 2-3 business days to reach my account. That said, I am aware that many clients are wary of deposits, either from previous hires or for reasons that have nothing to do with the industry directly. Cautions such as "don't pay upfront, don't send money to anyone you don't know, watch for scams/phishing" alerts are mentioned all across the Internet and TV. So it can be difficult to earn a new client's trust. Yet, companies like Amazon, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, etc. and most online businesses don't send out products or services, unless you pay upfront. Even if it's just a "pending" hold that can be voided, they're still getting something ahead of time. In the past I was comfortable seeing clients without pre-bookings, but in today's higher priced economy: The amount I would lose from an anticipated session, is a larger inconvenience than the $50-100 that's being asked. So, it's also in YOUR best interest to send a deposit, as I prefer to be low volume and therefore, don't make a profit off a pre-booking payment. However, I want to earn your trust and time. And I also understand for discretion reasons, it's simply not possible to send a deposit. Or if someone else handles your finances, you may not wish to appear outside of your budget. So I am willing to make some concessions in order to meet. I am now introducing "stand-by" sessions. Please read my other FAQ regarding this:
I've noticed your price has changed, either up or down recently?Understandably, pricing is one of the most noticeable and relevant things when considering reaching out for an experience. With several sites making prices obscure or even barred discussing all together, it can be a challenge to gauge what level of service may be within your expectations. In my case, and perhaps many others: part of the enjoyment of taking this journey, is the freedom to command what one feels is necessary at that point in time. Even though I'm aware that the fickle economy lately has made everything more expensive in the world: We as providers are not immune to these changes either. If someone told me I should lower my rates to increase my visits: I would certainly feel it being a speculative decision at most, not necessarily based on what's currently taking place in the current industry. However, I contend with the fact that not every person is in a position to spend $300, $500 or even $1,000 for some 1 on 1 time. Or they may not feel it's worth the risk to come up with that much initially for a new visit. I feel the ideal solution for me is to offer different lower and higher options that would better suit a variety of desires. I also feel more inspired and motivated, when I have the freedom and confidence to adjust my offers as I see fit. For example: If I am expecting to do an upcoming tour across the country , I may not wish to charge the same price as when I'm at home with less expenses. Alternatively, if I know I am receiving less volume in a certain area, I may need to keep my price higher. This ensures I can still afford to run my ship and keep myself healthy and survive in this sometimes, unpredictable industry. If I come into a place where I have a greater demand, but which has a low cost of visiting: I may be comfortable enough to lower my sessions. That said: although my prices are confidently set for the level of experience I provide, in some cases I may be willing to defer a portion based on what your specific needs detail. I won't be offended, if the price isn't within your budget. However if you communicate what you are willing to do, I can assertively inform you on whether I can accept your offer or if not; inform that I'm not able to meet instead. So please, don't let price updates be a deal breaker in reaching out to me. You just may find I can match you with a session that still satisfies your immediate desires.
What Does It Mean Only Seeing Me On Standby, Are You Available Now?Stand-by is a new option I'm offering for clients who don't have access to send a deposit. Instead of missing what could be a great connection, I offer this new feature to still encourage making time with me: When I'm Hosting: Stand-by means you can come by without a deposit, if I already have my accommodations set up for that day. Keep in mind: Most times I host by appointment only, and may not be readily available if you have not scheduled ahead. Clients who have sent deposits, get priority and can choose a time convenient to them in my schedule. If Going To You: I prefer at-least 2 hours notice. Complete hotel/address and basic screening (Name/Age/Availability) may be provided to confirm instead. I may still require a nominal deposit for late evenings (10 p.m. and later), short notice meets (less than 2 hours notice), and when traveling more than 30 minutes away when doing Out-calls. In addition to the above, here are some other desires for stand-by appointments: Please arrange a session by text/phone (no RM chat/email only meets). No out of area travel. Meets must be in the city I'm currently in or nearby. Please leave at-least $75 for last minute cancellations/schedule changes. ** All Stand-By visits are done at my discretion. Even if all boxes are checked, I may still request to confirm with deposit for your particular visit. This assures I can have whatever host or travel requirements handled, and be ready to meet for an amazing session!
Can we make content together?I will say, I have been asked this once or twice. But rest assured: unless you or other parties have consented to help create content together: I do not offer film hidden or visible during any in-person sessions unless desired. All in person meets are solely for the time spent viewing content together privately. By meeting, we agree that nothing more is implied or considered unless done separately from the booking arranged.
How do I book a time and day slot on your site?At this time, I have not yet set up an option to book specific times on my site. However, once you have made the deposit or booked a consultation for one of my sessions, that includes scheduling in the process. However, stay tuned for more to come. Since I'm still building my website experience, I am working on the most essential pages first. But I am continually being innovative on the best ways of getting connected.
What is Jarrod's FAQ section?Just released! New frequently asked questions to help clients better learn how to make a great connection together. I am starting off with just a few essential questions about the purpose of the site, along with other details the address deposits and consultations. Feel free to learn and build a good connection with one another, before going into an in person meet.
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